Hello, I'm Corey (@stackptr)

I'm a software engineer based in Portland, OR. I work with Haskell, TypeScript, and Nix to build human-centered experiences for the web.

When Iā€™m not coding, you can find me riding my bike, backpacking, and rock climbing throughout the Pacific Northwest. I am also fond of playing with synthesizers and hacking on electronics. Other interests of mine include literature, chess, art, coffee, and welding.

I currently work at Freckle by Renaissance, helping to empower educators to reach every student at their level through differentiated practice. In the past I've served as Director of Technology with UPchieve and have taught computer science through TEALS. I build bikes through the volunteer-run collective Bike Farm. I am passionate about education, infrastructure, and the environment.

To get in touch, send me an or find me on Freenode under the alias mu.
